Credential #MA00017846
Quality massage in West Seattle!

About Me
My name is Lauren Allen and I have been a Licensed Massage Practitioner since 2003 when I graduated from Brenneke School of Massage, completing the 650 hour Professional Licensing Program. My love of all things body eventually led me to earn a Bachelor's of Science degree in Physiology from University of Washington and complete a 200 hour Yoga Teacher training program. I've worked in a variety of treatment environments including fitness facilities, chiropractic offices, massage franchises, salons and in individual homes. My ultimate goal is to share and apply my love of wellness with others, in an effort to facilitate balance, energy, and overall well-being.
One of my favorite parts about giving massage is it keeps me in the present moment (this is one of my favorite parts of yoga as well). Everyone is unique and responds differently to touch. I believe that this is where the “art” of massage comes in to play; it’s really about the art of being present and being in the present moment is a fantastic place to live! My job is never boring and it is never the same. Each massage I give is an opportunity to create a unique and pleasurable experience for my clients and also myself! I am so grateful for my amazing clients, who have also been wonderful teachers. I also get to keep my practice fresh by taking interesting classes with interesting people and then incorporating what I have learned into my practice. I love to learn and massage allows me to be constantly learning.
I have great respect for every body and soul that I encounter and approach treatment from a place of non-judgement, kindness, and presence of mind. My treatment space is sacred and I truly honor each individual that I have the privilege of working with. I look forward to working with you.